Monday, March 1, 2010

Eastern Market Epiphany

Eastern Market is NOT a local farm market. I must here admit that I have been deceived. A housemate, who is a self-proclaimed organic, local food connoisseur, and I went to the Market over the weekend so she could do a little bit of shopping. Typically, K.G has her food delivered to the house, but since it was so beautiful outside we decided to trek down to the "local" Market.
Before our purchases, we needed to investigate its origin and the farming practices it was fostered under-- believe me when I say this girl is serious about her food.
Talking to stand owners is not only difficult, but nearly impossible. Most are evasive-- and probably for good reason. Since Eastern Market has flourished under the urban myth of local farming, questioning stand owners could threaten their livelihood.
I would have known the Market wasn't local, had I ever gone in the Winter. The stands are lined with grapes, strawberries, corn, parsley and the like, each proudly displayed beneath glittering signs of local farms.
Well you can't fool me Eastern Market swindlers! I grew up on a commercial farm in New Jersey. I know blueberries are the most active between July and August, but the earliest a farmer in the Northeast can sell berries is June. Strawberries are still two months away.
No matter what you tell me, Eastern Market stand operator, your blueberries are not from Eastern Pennsylvania. Most likely, they're from California and dispensed to major chains of grocers.

So fellow MMPS bloggers, do not be fooled by the allure of Eastern Market. You're more likely to actually support a local or organic farmer at a grocery store like Trader Joe's. If you really want to eat local, forgo vegetables and fruits not in season.

Early asparagus is available in April. Learn to love it until the weather warms.


  1. Why do they lie to ussssss? :( and I didn't know you grew up on a farm! I'll have to ask you about that next time I see you!

  2. Great post and beautiful photo. Did you take it?

  3. Thanks for the insight! I would have never guessed but I'm starting to look into these things more to eat more locally and am looking for some good markets to get some produce in the spring (and hopefully summer WHEN I get a job in DC) so thanks for the tips. Also, that photo is great, awesome colors to really draw you in.
